Now this is a weird one, and I’ll drop a couple of links to explain.
It all started here, when I wanted to move my Steam library over to my UNAS Pro, because, well, it’s got a lot of space and 10GB connectivity to my main gaming machine. So running games from the UP should not be an issue. The issue however, was that allowing executable files to run on a samba share, on the UP, was not allowed. Windows would throw errors about not being able to do it.
After some very naiive testing by myself, I couldnt get it to work and I couldnt SSH into the UP. That’s where I spotted the update (three days later) by a user proffering this video on Youtube that seemed to fix the issue.
Login to your UP
Go to Settings
Go to Control Plane
Got to Console tab
Click the SSH checkbox and set a password
Open your SSH client/terminal/CMD/Powershell whatever you want
SSH to the UP with the username as root@ipaddressofyourunaspro and enter your password
apt install nano
cd /etc/samba
nano share.conf
add the code below as a [global] setting or under the share you want to run executables
As you will see from the updates to the thread, there’s spotty hit and miss here. The UP Drive OS obviously wasnt meant to support this natively – i.e. there’s no ‘easy’ way to do this without SSH. Once you SSH into the UP and update the files, the issue persists that the changes you make do not survive the UP itself being rebooted. You have to make the change every time you reboot the system.
After many googles and trying to get the syntax right that works for me, I found that:
acl allow execute always = True
…is the only thing that is currently working in /etc/samba/share.conf. Again, it wont survive a reboot so I can only hope that a future update makes this thing stick, because even though my UP isnt going to be rebooted often, it’s going to be often enough that it gets irritating. I am glad however that a fix has been found! Thank you to Primesky on Youtube for this video!